Emtec Electronic, located in Leipzig (Germany), develops and manufactures very specialized test devices mainly for the pulp and paper industry. Founded in 1995, emtec can look back to more than 25 very successful years. Within these 25 years several new developments have been launched successfully. Some of these inventions have become industrial standard over the years. Since 2014 emtec is also active in the nonwovens and textile industry with increasing success.


Labtech Instruments inc. is a manufacturer of instruments used in the evaluation of Pulp and Paper properties in order to assess product characteristics and final quality.
In addition to our manufactured items, we represent a number of physical testing instruments suppliers from around the world, that you will find in the “Partnerships” section of the website.
Resale items include instruments used in the Paper, Packaging, Printing, Plastics, Wood, Textile and Film industries. We also have a service department where our technicians perform repairs, calibrations and maintenance.
Labtech was founded in 1988 by Jean-Pierre Daoust. We are grateful to Jean-Pierre for his years of service and for founding Labtech. Thank you for everything you have done for the company.



OpTest offers both laboratory and on-line analyzers for quantifying quality. Our customers range from pulp, paperboard, paper, nonwoven, and tissue mills to R&D centers and allied industries in over 34 countries.


At Techlab Systems we have been developing quality control equipment for testing the properties of materials and raw materials for 40 years.We manufacture 2 own brands and distribute another 12 international brands in more than 85 countries and we offer a technical service team focused on customer service, which makes us your trusted global supplier for your quality testing needs.




The TMI Group of Companies is a multi-national organization that manufactures and markets physical property testing instruments focused on the packaging, paper, pulp, plastic film, foil, ink, coatings, nonwovens, adhesives, and corrugated industries.

BONPERTUIS has over 50 years of pulp refining experience and is now a world\'s leading manufacturer of refiner fillings. Indeed, we supply refiner plates for most models of refiners in materials highly resistant to corrosion, abrasion and impact. We have extended our line of products to pulper fillngs, deflaker fillings and disperger fillings made in metal grades specific to BONPERTUIS.



Kam Design is an Engineering Company involved in the design, production and implementation of hardware and software solutions for companies to help them collect daa from new or existing sources at an optimal cost. This data can then be applied to explanatory and predictive models in order to increase knowledge of processes and improve decision-making. Output from these models will bring understanding of key performance indicators and what drives them, enabling improvements in process efficiency and product quality.